EDISON DROPS, 2021-Present
Interactive motion-sensing sculptures that ripple light as participants move underneath the work
The Edison Drops are the newest work in Jen Lewin’s Edison series, a group of works that merge contemporary LED technology and interactivity with the historical incandescent lightbulb invented by Thomas Edison. In 2012, Edison bulbs ceased to be produced in the USA, prompting Lewin to begin this series using hand-blown glass bulbs custom designed to use LED light. Evoking ripples in water, the Edison Drops are a cluster of three orbs that utilize low-voltage lasers that bounce from the sculpture to the ground, sensing the distance between people below and the work. As the participant moves beneath them, they can effectively shoot ripples of light upward into the work, depending on how close they get to the sensor. The Edison Drops are created using an aluminum framework of rings, which is shaped by the original mold used to create The Pool (2008), a work that was developed specifically with Burning Man in mind.